Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
Head of the Institute
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jeanette Hussong
Head of Institute
Dynamics of particle-laden flows, flow measurement techniques
+49 6151 16-22174
L2|06 417
Head of research group
Apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Suad Jakirlic
Modelling and simulations of turbulent flows
+49 6151 16-22171
L2|06 413
Apl. Prof. Dr. Ilia Roisman
Dynamics of drops and sprays
+49 6151 16-22173
L2|06 312
Honorarprofessor Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schütz
+49 6151 16-22198
L2|06 416
Lilli Jundt-Becker
+49 6151 16-22199
L2|06 416
Birgit Neuthe
+49 6151 16-22198
L2|06 416
Scientific Staff
Shivam Kumar Pandey M.Sc
Impact of supercooled droplets onto cold surfaces
+49 6151 16-22195
L2|06 414
Zihao Zhang M.Sc
Multidimensional microparticle fractionation
+49 6151 16-20195
L2|06 314
Mete Abbot M.Sc.
Elongation and breakup of nanosuspension liquid bridges under fast stretching conditions
+49 6151 16-22182
W1|05 4
Samaneh Abdi Qezeljeh M.Sc.
Study of Thermal Load Peak Treatment in the Air Gap Utilising Turbulent Aerosol Flows
+49 6151 16-22200
W1|01 5
Mingyue Ding M.Sc.
Impact of supercooled droplets onto cold surfaces
+49 6151 16-26993
L2|06 313
Hatim Ennayar M.Sc.
Thin film dynamics
+49 6151 16-22190
W1|05 5
Steffen Gröninger M.Sc.
Modeling and simulations of turbulent flows
+49 6151 16-22205
L2|06 415
Reda Kamal M.Sc.
Impact of supercooled droplets onto cold surfaces
+49 6151 16-22180
W1|01 7
Louis Krüger M.Sc.
Modeling and simulation of turbulent flows
+49 6151 16-22171
L2|06 413
Dr.-Ing. Lukas Kutej
Modeling and simulation of turbulent flows
+49 6151 16-22197
L2|06 418
Maximilian Lausch M.Sc.
Dissolution and motion dynamics of microparticles in shear flows
+49 6151 16-22179
W1|01 5
Francesca Mondonico M.Sc.
Impact of supercooled droplets onto cold surfaces
+49 6151 16-22180
W101 7
Benedikt Schmidt M.Sc.
Dynamics of drops and sprays
+49 6151 16-22180
W101 7
Ali Raza Shaikh M.Sc.
Ice adhesion force on substrates of different wettability and roughness
+49 6151 16-22192
W1|05 1
Ang Sun M.Sc.
The cell-free layer in blood flow with high reynolds number
+49 6151 16-22195
L2|06 414
Xiaoyu Wang M.Sc.
Modeling and simulations of turbulent flows
+49 6151 16-22205
L2|06 415
Lukas Weimar M.Sc.
Drop impact on heated wall films of different liquids
+49 6151 16-22205
L2|06 415
Till Werner M.Sc.
Microfluidic Networks for organ like 3d cell aggregates
+49 6151 16-26993
L2|06 313
DAAD scholarship holder
Tarik Corbo M.Sc.
Modeling and simulation of turbulent flows
+49 6151 16-22171
L2|06 413
Wind tunnel and flow measurement technology
Alexander Beck
Bachelor Professional of Engineering
Site coordinator, support for aerodynamics research, wind tunnels, measurement technology, industrial measurements and teaching
+49 6151 16-22181
W1|01 2
Dennis Patzig
Staatl. gepr. Maschienbautechniker
Support of research aircraft, research airfield and flight operations
+49 6151 16-22185
W2|01 9
Martin Stenger Dipl.-Ing.
Support of research aircraft, research airfield and flight operations
+49 6151 16-22185
W2/01 9
Head of Mechanical Workshop
Ilona Kaufhold
+49 6151 16-22187
Mechanical Workshop
Tim Geelhaar
Experimental setups, generic configurations
+49 6151 16-22187
Joachim Heyl
+49 6151 16-22187
Julian Krasnowski
+49 6151 16-22187
Jakob Wüst
+49 6151 16-22187
Head of Electronics Workshop
Martin Weiß
+49 6151 16-22183
W1|01 4