Maximilian Lausch M.Sc.
Working area(s)
Dissolution and motion dynamics of microparticles in shear flows
work +49 6151 16-22179
W1|01 5
Flughafenstr. 19
Dissolution and motion dynamics of microparticles in shear flows
work +49 6151 16-22179
W1|01 5
Flughafenstr. 19
Brockmann, P., Tvarozek, M., Lausch, M., & Hussong, J. (2023). Pattern formations in particle laden drum flows and Taylor–Couette flows with co-rotating cylinders. Physics of Fluids, 35(8), 083304. |
Delrieux, T., Sharma, S., Maurer, F., Dolcet, P., Lausch, M., Zimina, A., Cárdenas, C., Lott, P., Casapu, M., Sheppard, T. L., & Grunwaldt, J.-D. (2024). A laboratory scale fast feedback characterization loop for optimizing coated catalysts for emission control. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 10.1039.D4RE00168K. |
Lausch, M., Brockmann, P., Schmitt, F., Etzold, B. J. M., & Hussong, J. (2024). In-situ iron oxide particle size and shape evolution during the dissolution in oxalic acid. Chemical Engineering Science, 289, 119864. |
Lausch, M., Reitter, L. M., Schremb, M., & Hussong, J. (2023). Impact of an ice particle onto a rigid substrate: Statistical analysis of the fragment size distribution. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 181, 104732. |
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