Flow conditions that occur in piping systems relevant to industrial practice are often characterized by turbulent phenomena (high Reynolds numbers), complex geometrical configurations with heat transfer, and presence of multiple phases in the flow. Conventional numerical models based on Reynolds-averaging (RANS) have so far provided unsatisfactory results in reproducing this phenomena.
It is in the scope of this project to test the ability of so-called Scale-Adaptive Simulation techniques to successfully reproduce above mentioned phenomena. Two different sub-grid turbulence models will be applied, both of them developed at the institute for Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (SLA). Euler-Euler simulation paradigm will be coupled with the turbulence model with addition of energy equation, to account for heat-transfer. Various flow configurations such as: T-Junctions (mixing tees), piping system with valve-like obstacles etc. will be tested.
Development and testing of the proposed modeling strategy is being performed by the M.Sc. Ivan Joksimovic, in the capacity of doctoral candidate at the Institute for Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (SLA). Funding of the project is being supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Calculations are performed with support of Lichtenberg high-performance computer of the Technical University Darmstadt.