SLA experiment DropCoal launch towards ISS!!
NASA's SpaceX 31st Cargo Resupply Services Launch
Award at the REACT 2024 Conference
Our member of the scientific staff, Maximilian Lausch, won the Best Poster Award at the REACT 2024 Conference (Annual Meeting on Reaction Engineering and Electrochemical Processes with his contribution: “Tracking the reduction of iron in combusted particles during dissolution in oxalic acid via X-ray absorption spectroscopy”
Our SLA team is on a parabolic flight campaign!
Let's get started
In targeted experiments during parabolic flight, we want to find out how the density and surface tension of liquids influence the mixing process of droplets. We want to use our findings to further advance the development of innovative technologies for liquid handling in space and in applications such as medical inhalers, fuel injection, coatings and cooling.
Zero G – Parabelflug
On 27.05.2024, our team will take off for Bordeaux to investigate the mixing of droplets in zero gravity. Until June 7, we will take part in three parabolic flights with a total of 93 parabolas and 33 minutes of weightlessness. We are looking forward to exciting results!